Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer released a join statement today saying they are willing to compromise to get emergency relief out to Americans. They think negotiations should begin with the bipartisan framework that was put forward yesterday by a bipartisan group of Senators.
Information on that proposal is here.
Pelosi and Schumer's joint statement is here.
Biden has also endorsed the proposal, saying it “wouldn’t be the answer” but would provide immediate relief.
According to Huffpost, More than 10 Senate Republicans had endorsed the bipartisan framework since Tuesday, Manchin said. “I think enough of his colleagues on his side of his caucus have seen the need,” he said of McConnell.
It is up to us to make sure more legislators endorse a bipartisan solution AND include more of our asks in it. Call your Senators and tell them to support the bipartisan bill with the following changes:
-The FPUC should be retroactive and many on both sides of the aisle have said they would vote for $600
-Add additional weeks for PUA & PEUC.
-Do not include liability protections that hurt workers.
-Ensure rent relief is robust. Many are pushing for stimulus checks and we support that call as well.
Updates from December 3rd.
The bill will extend PUA and is likely to include 13 additional weeks for both PUA and PEUC claims.
Making the $300 PUC benefit retroactive is being considered. Democrats are fighting for it. Reach out to your Senators and ask that they push for it.
Sources for this intel are multiple, but here is one.
Many more Senators and Congresspeople have joined the push for the bipartisan proposal.
Even Senator Graham spoke in favor of the proposal and said he discussed it with Trump.
The House GOP attempted to adjourn the House early, but was not successful.
The Problem Solvers Caucus put out this statement.
There is much hope for this bipartisan solution. Please continue to call your Senators and tell them what is missing from it. If you have a Republican Senator, tell them to support the bipartisan bill instead of McConnell's proposal.