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Rising COVID-19 Numbers Make Employment Risky

Even as states begin their phased “reopening,” businesses aren’t operating at full capacity and many are even re-closing as COVID cases climb. Employees are facing reduced hours and increased risk. The pandemic hasn’t gone anywhere. New daily reported cases are HIGHER than where they were when the CARES Act was passed, and yet, without assistance, people are being thrown into a working environment that is unsafe. Nothing has meaningfully changed. States and employers are punishing people who are afraid to return to work. America is not protecting its people.

States like Texas, Florida and Arizona have run out of hospital beds. Our new COVID case numbers continue to break record highs.

Pandemic assistance must continue until the pandemic is over. We still need help. is not a source of legal advice or counsel. All information contained on is an educational tool. Where specific facts are referenced, every effort has been made to verify the accuracy and truthfulness of the information presented. Occasionally our information will become out of date because of the rapidly evolving nature of the movement. If you spot something out of place, please contact us at

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