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Cutting Unemployment Insurance is an attack on BIPOC Populations

Expanded PUC significantly lowered poverty rates for BIPOC populations. The expiration of FPUC benefits is pushing them back below the poverty line, compounding the housing and food insecurity already threatening these families.

Decades of systemic racism have put Black and Latinx workers into the least secure jobs. They are now bearing the brunt of this crisis with unemployment rates higher than that of white people. They are among the last to be rehired when they get laid off. More than half of Black adults don’t have a job right now.

Black households are less likely to have an economic cushion to help them get through the pandemic and its aftermath since they have 10 cents in wealth for every dollar that white households have accumulated. (Calma, The Verge)

BIPOC comprise a majority of “essential” front-line workers risking their lives and health on the job.

2.2 MILLION people, disproportionately BIPOC, could become homeless in September without swift action by the U.S. Senate.   - Washington Post is not a source of legal advice or counsel. All information contained on is an educational tool. Where specific facts are referenced, every effort has been made to verify the accuracy and truthfulness of the information presented. Occasionally our information will become out of date because of the rapidly evolving nature of the movement. If you spot something out of place, please contact us at

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