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If you are in a mental health crisis, please reach out to Crisis Text Line for help or

Text HOME to 741741 to be connected with a crisis counselor. 

You are not alone.


Food | Housing Assistance | HealthcareMore Aid | Info/Resources | Mental Health | Classes
Career/Work | Entertainment Industry | Hospitality IndustryState Specific | Hurricane Delta
Help for the Holidays
Need help with a UI claim? Check here.


USDA Food Assistance

USDA resources for food assistance for individuals, families, and children.

SNAP is a government food assistance program run state by state.

SNAP Eligibility Information and State Directory


Feeding America

Information on SNAP, troubleshooting SNAP issues, and find food banks by zip code


Full Cart

A virtual food bank program by the nonprofit Feeding Children Everywhere


Food Finder

A website/app that will use your location to help you find free food providers near you.


Food Pantries Search

Pantries and subsidized groceries by state


Imperfect Foods Discount Box

Grocery delivery box with big discounts for those eligible.



USDA Meals for Kids Site Finder


Lasagna for Parents

Parents can request a free lasagna family dinner.


Touring Professionals Kitchen

Meals for and from entertainment industry pros in NY, LA, Nashville and Chicago.





National Eviction Moratorium

Find out if you are protected under current CDC national eviction moratorium and use their form

notify your property manager that you are protected from eviction. Another resource on this topic is Eviction Lab


State Eviction Protections

Evictions are illegal in many places during COVID. Check if that is true for your area here. Your landlord

may not be aware or may be ignoring this and you can point it out to them or apply for legal aid.


NLIHC - Rental Assistance

State-by-state directory of emergency rental assistance programs. They have also compiled an in-depth, city-level database.


Affordable Housing 

Resources for low income housing


Just Shelter

Comprehensive site of housing resources at national and state levels.


Consolidated Credit

Consolidated Credit is offering foreclosure prevention counseling via

a new free COVID-19 mortgage hotline staffed by certified housing counselors.


Call 211
Many Resources for Utilities in this section.

Open enrollment for healthcare plans starts November 1. You can also find out if you are eligible for Medicare.

NEW: If you received unemployment in 2021 you may be eligible for free healthcare. More info here.


Free Healthcare Clinics

Find clinics offering services to economically disadvantaged individuals for free or at a nominal cost,

including free health clinics for those with no health insurance who do not qualify for Medicaid or Medicare


Navigating Medicaid and Medicare

Live Chat with USAGov agents or call 1-844-USA-GOV1 (1-844-872-4681)


Prescription and Pharmacy Assistance

There are many resources for this: WellRX, SingleCare, Partnership for Prescription Assistance

TogetherRX, MHA National, NiceRxPatient Advocate


Call 211



Legal Aid

Find the provider in your area. They can help with UI benefits, disability benefits, and medicaid/medicare

benefits or getting food stamps, eviction protection, utility company or landlord issues, and more. 

You can also reach your Congressperson or Senator’s office for help on delayed UI claims.

#1 Start here! Comprehensive resource that helps connect people with local resources for needs

including diapers, food, online/phone counseling services, healthcare, etc.


Mutual Aid

See if there is a Mutual Aid in your area. They can help with all types of assistance.


Pandemic of Love

             A  grassroots, volunteer-led mutual aid organization that connects people in need with patrons who can help with that need


Aunt Bertha

A resource for finding free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more by zip code.


Assistance Paying Bills

Extensive resource â€‹with links and information to assist with paying all kinds of bills.


Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Assistance for paying heating or cooling bills for low income households.

Another Resource for Home Energy Assistance by state here.


Phone/Internet Service Help

A FCC program called Lifeline that helps low income households with phone service/internet.

Another source for this information is Discover Lifeline.


NEW Emergency Broadband Benefit

New FCC assistance: $50/mo off internet bills and up to $100 towards a laptop or tablet for qualified individuals.


Clothing and Supples Help

Get free clothes, supplies, and help from free clothing closets


Free Eye Care and Eye Wear

Gift cards for free eye care appointments and glasses for adults and kids from VSP Global.


WiFi Map/WiFi Finder

Connect to all Free WiFi Hotspots using WiFi Map App all over the World.


Community Solidarity Fund

Apply for a $250 grant from Make The Road NY


One Fair Wage Emergency Fund

Providing free, cash assistance to restaurant workers, delivery drivers and other tipped workers and service

workers — who are seeing their income decline during this disaster,

or aren’t able to work because of quarantines or other health concerns.”


Assistance for Unemployed/Underemployed Parents

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families government program information.


Christmas Gifts for Kids

Learn how to apply for Toys for Tots. More possible holiday gift programs to apply for here.


Buy Nothing Project

Community forum for giving away, lending, or sharing amongst neighbors. Give what you can. Ask for what you need.


Disability Insurance 

Federal Social Security Disability Insurance Information and Application.


Assistance for Veterans

The VA has announced that they will see and treat you for any health concern, even if you are not

yet enrolled in VA health care, so if you need medical care, contact your local VA or CBOC.


Transportation Assistance for the Elderly

ElderCare's Transportation for the elderly Online Locator. (or call their hotline 800-677-1116.)


Pet Owner Financial Assistance and Resource List

Humane Society's comprehensive listings of pet care support for individuals who are having trouble meeting the

financial needs of their pet.  Even more resources can be found at these additional links for pet owners: 

My Pet low cost medical care and supplies searchable by location

Feeding Pets of the Homeless: Pet Food Locator

Waggle: Help with vet bills

Doggington Post article with more resources


Create a free account that allows you to search and apply for various grants as an individual or as an organization.


Disaster Loan Assistance

Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters.


How Do I File for Unemployment Insurance?

               Find details of your own state’s program. And explanations for PEUC, EB, PUA extensions



Financial Legal
Info and More
Information and More Resources


Coronavirus Resource Hub | MoveOn.Org

On the Coronavirus Resource Hub, you can search for all kinds of support—from mental health resources to

financial funds to information on workers' rights and COVID to multilingual resources and more. 


NELP (National Employment Law Project)

Comprehensive information resource for unemployed and frontline workers 


Parents Anonymous 

Alt Link:

A free resource for parents and youth who are experiencing stress. They have a hotline. 


Student Loan Suspension

The CARES Act suspended federal student loan payments and placed interest at 0%. Check this article for more information.


Retirement Funds

The CARES Act also allows those with retirement accounts to withdraw from them early without penalty. 

See this article for more information.  AARP also has resources. 


Assistance for Veterans

The VA has announced that they will see and treat you for any health concern, even if you are not yet

enrolled in VA health care, so if you need medical care, contact your local VA or CBOC.


COVID-19 Resources

Additional list of resources/links for crisis, support, and grief.


USDA Disaster Resource Center 

              Here you will find information about specific disasters and emergencies, how to prepare, recover, and help build long-term resilience, as well as information about USDA assistance during disaster events.


Workplace Safety Information: OSHA

Information and resources for workplace safety during COVID.

Reddit Community 

A Reddit thread on Unemployment


Serious Illness Care Program COVID-19 Response Toolkit

A toolkit for people at higher risk of becoming very sick from COVID-19.


PPP Loan Forgiveness: Blog

A Complete Guide to PPP Loan Forgiveness for the Self-Employed


Unemployment PUA

Online Resource for info on PUA, LWA, remote learning, and work search resources. 


Self Employed Unemployment

Self Employed Unemployment Facebook support and resource group 



            iAmerica for the latest news, COVID-19 resources, and ways to join the fight to protect immigrant families 


IHS (Indian Health Service)

Various resources for tribes, tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations. 


National Congress of American Indians

A link to Covid-19 related forums and webinars on the impact of the pandemic on tribal nations, and their

necessary implications for tribal governmental action and federal funding support.


U.S. Department of the Interior Indian Affairs

Federal response resources for tribal use.


Addiction Treatment Centers

Find a center near you for assistance with addiction treatment. Select an organization below for more information. This is a paid placement.

Flowers Health, Arrow Passage, Iris Healing, Pacific Beach Health, AIM, Instantvob, Ripple Ranch, San Diego Detox, Alternative Options, Soledad House, Rockland Recovery, Bi-Bett, Immortal Male, Active MarketingTop Rehab, Rise Above, Mile High Recovery Center, Choice House Colorado, Essence Health Care.

Mental Health
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255


Crisis Text Line

This service provides free trained crisis counselors who can listen and respond through text messages.

They operate 24/7. Text “MHA” to 741741to get in touch.


Support Groups

Anxiety and Depression Association of America's list of Support Groups.

Their online peer-to-peer support group is here.


Distress Helpline (DDH) - SAMHSA

            This free helpline provides crisis counseling & support 24/7 365 days of the year for anyone experiencing distress

due to public health emergencies & other natural disasters. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746  


National Domestic Violence Hotline

Practicing social isolation can be extraordinarily difficult for those living with abusive intimate partners.

Call 1-800-799-7233, log onto or text “LOVEIS” to 22522 to speak with someone.


Caregiver Help Desk

Caregiving experts can provide the information you need to navigate complex senior citizen caregiving challenges

due to COVID19 risks. Call 855-227-3640 between 8a and 7p to speak with a caregiving expert.


Sanvello Health

Provides free premium access to clinically validated techniques, coping tools and peer support to

anyone impacted by COVID-19 immediately for the duration of the crisis.


The Trevor Project

            This nonprofit organization operates a national 24-hour toll free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth.

To reach the hotline, call 1-866-488-7386 or text “START” to 678678.


Other Mental Health and Self Care Resources Including Free Apps.


RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)

RAINN offers survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones support, self-care tools,

and information to help manage the effects of trauma.


How Right Now

A website that helps with resources/inspiration for dealing with mental health.


What’s your Grief

A website that helps with resources for grief in various ways.


Grief Support Resource

An end-of-life grief support resource submitted by Harrison Park Community Center.


COVID Grief Network

A website that provides young people in their 20s or 30s experiencing grief in the face of COVID-19

2-6 weeks with a grief worker, and can connect you with their longer term support network.


Kind Words

            A game on Steam that allows you to write or answer short letters, talking about your problems or

offering kind words into the world. It also has a really lovely relaxing soundtrack.



If you need a community to get involved with, please consider volunteering with us (all virtual).

Toys for Tots Christmas Gifts for Kids

Search for your state and then request toys for Toys for Tots. More possible holiday gift programs to apply for here.


How to Sign up for USPS Gifts from Santa

Send stamped letter by USPS to: Santa Claus 123 Elf Road. North Pole, 88888


Salvation Army Assistance

Search for services and resources from your local Salvation Army​


Christmas Assistance Programs by Location

You can skip all the reading at the top and scroll down to the list of clickable locations.


Operation Homefront: For Military Families

Sign up to find holiday meals, toys, and events in your area for military families



Holidays Help


Yoga with Adrienne

This woman is incredible. Her videos are free on Youtube and there is a great community of support.


Free at Home Workouts

Fitness Blender provides free full length workout videos, workout routines, healthy recipes and more.






WiFi Map/WiFi Finder

Connect to all Free WiFi Hotspots using WiFi Map App all over the World.



A multitude of online classes. Many are free.  

During COVID they are offering a free contact tracer class from Johns Hopkins.


LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn and Microsoft have created several free (some paid) courses for training new tech jobs in the COVID economy.


Trailhead | The fun way to learn

             Learn In-Demand Skills, Earn Resume-Worthy Credentials, Connect to Opportunities.


Free E-Books

Over 60,000 free e-books.


For Kids: National Geographic

Virtual experiences and exercise for K-12 kids




Free Classes to Further Careers Above


WiFi Map/WiFi Finder

Connect to all Free WiFi Hotspots using WiFi Map App all over the World!


CareerOneStop: Careers and Career Information 

Career exploration, training, and jobs. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor. A partner of the American Job Center network.


Online Resume Builder

A free online resume builder. Another option: Resume Builder


Career Path Services

Can help you get training, education, and employment 


Career Tools

While this website is geared for Washington residents, all their workshops are virtual including things

like tips for resume and cover letters, and it has a bunch of other resources.


Open Remote Work Positions

Running list of open remote work jobs from (Not an ExtendPUA doc)


Becoming a poll worker

Information on how to become a poll worker and help our democracy.


Job Seeker

Helping you find remote work. Our local staffing experts promote you to employers.


Career Advice Blog

The Muse. Job search, coaching, advice, resume building.


Free Rides with Lyft 

Lyft resource for free rides for those going to job interviews.​

Americans for the Arts

A comprehensive list of resources for those in the arts. Creative Capital also has a great list.


Artist Relief

Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-1 and

serve as an ongoing informational resource. Current cycle Application.


Crew Nation

Financial relief for Live Music crew members.


Actors Fund (NYC) 

NYC entertainment workers can go to the Friedman Health Center, without insurance, for sliding scale

low cost medical care. Other resources also available at their site.


Atlanta Arts Relief

Providing a relief fund and resources for artists in Atlanta. 



The Recording Academy's Resources for the music community struggling during this pandemic.


Sweet Relief Musicians Fund

If you're a musician or music industry worker who lost 50% of your income, you're eligible to apply to this fund.


IATSE Coronavirus Active Response and Engagement Service

            A new initiative designed to provide support IATSE’s most at-risk, elderly, and/or disabled members during the COVID-19 crisis.


The Path Fund

The PATH Fund's Grant Program will provide financial assistance through individual grants to qualifying

members of The Path Fund community.


The Search Foundation

Provides up to $5k in resources for Event Industry Professionals in crisis. 


CERF+ Relief Grant

$1,000 grants to meet urgent food, housing and/or health insecurities.

The program will focus on those facing the most severe financial pressures.

This fund is currently closed, but is fundraising for another round in early 2021.


Boston Specific Relief Fund

The Theatre Community Benevolent Fund provides grants up to $2500 to individuals that work in the Greater Boston theatrical community.



ROC United

National and city/state resources available to restaurant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

One Fair Wage Emergency Fund

One Fair Wage Emergency Fund for gig workers 


Another Round Another Rally

Offering $500 relief grants for hospitality workers who lost their jobs or had their hours slashed in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.


United States Bartenders Guild

State by state resources guide.


Restaurant Workers' Community Foundation

Advocacy and action group created by and for the restaurant worker community.

California | New York | Florida | Idaho | Kentucky | MassachusettsNebraska | Oregon | Washington | Pennsylvania
Cities: Los Angeles | NYC | Kansas City | Washington DC


If your state isn’t listed, we would be happy to add it.

Until then you can find some state specific resources by choosing your state here.


Council of State Governments COVID-19 Resources

Links to every state's specific site of resources and information, as well as a tab of general resources.

​ Child/Family Resources

Information provided by each state and territory to help families and child care providers stay informed during

this fast-moving and developing situation.


State Facebook Groups for Unemployment Support



HUB: Hurricane Delta Resource Center

A list of various resources by state and type for Hurricane Delta



Pet-friendly evacuation shelters and tips. or Call 211
You can find wildfire resources in affected states sections.
Hurricane Delta


New York State Office of Mental Health (NYS OMH)

            In response to increased need for mental health care, NYS OMH has created a hotline with free mental health counseling.

Call 1-844-863-9314 to speak to someone.


NYS Services Search Tool

Search tool for NYS services available for your need(s).





NYC Coronavirus Crisis: Resources for You : City Limits

Incredibly thorough list of resources from food assistance to wifi hotspots to testing for COVID.


NYC’s 311 Resource


Mutual Aid NYC

Hotline: +1.646.437.8080

A network of groups organizing to provide aid and support to New Yorkers during the COVID-19 pandemic.


NYC Food Delivery Assistance 

Food pantries for pick-up: text FOOD to 726879. It takes 2 minutes to sign up via chat-bot, and you can make a

reservation to pick up food at a pantry within walking distance of your home, no questions asked.

The app is in 9 languages and includes 170 pantries across all 5 boroughs.


Map of Food Pantries and Food Distribution Centers in NYC


Free Meal Distribution for Anyone in NYC

Find free grab and go meals near you, available multiple times a day.


Free Groceries at Brooklyn Pantry

Near Brownsville/East NY/Canarsie at 716 Chester St, Brooklyn, NY 11212. Every Thursday pick up from 9-2pm.

(Will deliver free on Fridays & Saturdays for neighbors sick or over age 65: call 1-718-306-1036)


NYC Mental Health Counseling

Free, confidential mental health counseling 24/7.

Text “WELL” to 65173, or call 1-888-NYC-WELL or visit their website.


Crisis Text Line 

Or text “HOME” to 741741


Met Council on Housing

212-979-0611, tenants’ rights hotline. If you qualify for SNAP benefits or cash assistance, they can apply here.


NYC Pet Hotline

Connects callers to pet relief resources such as subsidized emergency vet care, food and supply distribution

services, and temporary placement or supplemental care of animals. 

New York

COVID-19 Resource List

Extremely comprehensive list of resources for those in Florida


Unemployed Florida Resource

Links to applications for all CARES assistance (rent, utilities, etc) and more

HUB: Hurricane Delta Resource Center

A list of various resources by state and type for Hurricane Delta


FLORIDA Facebook Support Groups 

Facebook Action group for COVID-19 unemployment (Florida)

Facebook Group for Florida Unemployment Issues

Facebook Action group for COVID-19 unemployment (Florida)






Resources for food, housing, utilities, healthcare, mental health, and other assistance.  


Apply for food assistance


Wireless Emergency Alerts

]Sign up for California emergency alerts to keep you up to date, organized by counties.


People Assisting The Homeless:

Building affordable housing and providing supportive service


Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Help with energy bills


Family Giving Tree

Holiday toys for kids


Jobs and Careers

CA Dept. of Public Health, Human Resources Division. Career opportunities by Occupational areas,

Exam / Assessment Search Results.


Animal Friends Rescue Project 

Spay-Neuter Vouchers & Mobile Clinics, Help Placing Your Dog or Cat, Compassionate Surrender Program in Pacific Grove CA 


Ready for Wildfire

Create your custom wildfire preparedness action plan.


Northern California Wildfire Assistance

Links for resources including relief funds, direct relief assistance, including help for immigrants and small businesses.


Wildfire RedCross Shelters

Find a shelter by searching your zip code. Shelters provide a place to sleep, meals, healthcare,

childcare, laundry, and more. They are open to everyone including service animals.


Southern California Wildfire Assistance

Links for resources including relief funds, direct relief assistance, including help for immigrants.


California Fire Foundation

Get a $250 gift card from a local fire department for disaster relief basic necessities.


FEMA Individual Disaster Assistance

Help supporting recovery from a major disaster.


Community Care Relocation

If you are trying to locate someone who has been evacuated from a State licensed community care facility due to the California wildfires.



MEND (Meet Each Need with Dignity). 

The largest food bank in Los Angeles and one of the largest in California. They also have a clothing center, family support

center, services for the homeless. Some services are limited during COVID.   The Los Angeles number is 818-897-2443


Free Covid-19 Testing

A map of testing locations and a section for mobile testing facilities.


L.A. Housing and Community Investment Dept. 

Renters protection and affordable housing


L.A. City information and services

Download the MyLA311 app for Android or iPhone


L.A. County Rent Relief 

             Applications will open on August 17, 2020, for income-eligible renters in Los Angeles County                  


Free COVID-19 testing | COVID-19: Keeping Los Angeles Safe 

              The City of Los Angeles, in partnership with Curative Inc. and CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort)


LA COVID 19 Relief Fund 

Supporting micro-entrepreneurs, small businesses, and nonprofits across la county


Your Personal Guide to your rights and options under the Housing Stabilization Act of 2020


Homeless Housing COVID-19: Project Room Key

Securing hotel and motel rooms for vulnerable people experiencing homelessness.


Let's Feed L.A.COVID-19: Food

Connecting those in need to those who can help


Hospitality_Workers_COVID-19 Fund

Assistance for the hospitality industry.


Midnight Mission Homeless Services

Homeless Programs & Services, Shelters, Food, Toy Drive, and more.


L.A. County’s Domestic Violence hotline is 1-800-978-3600



Washington D.C.
Kansas City, MO


Kauffman Foundation

Education, Entrepreneurship, Kansas City Civic Funding and Grants.

Healthcare Assistance - Advocacy for Access

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that all individuals (with certain exceptions) have health insurance. Advocacy for Access can help you apply for coverage. The various programs available to Massachusetts residents can cover the cost of Doctor visits, hospital stays, behavioral health & substance abuse treatment, prescription drugs, and emergency care.


Berkshire Community Resources and Community Programs - BCAC

A number of emergency assistance programs for Berkshire community residents covering heating fuel assistance, weatherproofing, home heating and repair, as well as community programs for food banks, winter clothing and other individual emergency assistance needs.


MA PUA Pandemic Unemployment Help - Facebook Group
MA Unemployment Consultation - Facebook Group
Boston Theatre Community Relief Fund

The Theatre Community Benevolent Fund provides grants up to $2500 to individuals that work in the Greater Boston theatrical community.



Housing Initiatives 


CARES Act Financial Assistance  

Lutheran Family Services uses CARES Act funds to provide grants to families and individuals. 


Coronavirus Aid Fund 

Help with utility bills for Nebraskans


Workforce Retraining Initiative  

Scholarships available for workforce retaining





Oregon Wildfire Resources

             Wildfire news and information as well as resources including emergency housing sites, mental health resources, food finders, insurance information, and more.


Wildfire Red Cross Shelters

Find a shelter by searching your zip code. Shelters provide a place to sleep, meals, healthcare, childcare,

laundry, and more. They are open to everyone including service animals.


Oregon Worker Relief Fund

Financial support directly for Oregonians who have lost their jobs yet are ineligible for Unemployment Insurance and

federal stimulus relief due to their immigration status, and now face hunger, homelessness, and economic hardship.


Oregon Relief Fund

Cash grants for Black individuals, Black-owned businesses, and Black-led nonprofit organizations who

have experienced financial adversity due to COVID-19.



Food, housing, health, utilities, child care, and other assistance.


Food Assistance

Feeding America food bank resources


Social Service Assistance

Links to resources for food assistance, emergency resources, information on public assistance for immigrants, etc.


Government COVID-19 Resources

Housing assistance and community services


Assistance Resources

Childcare, disability, domestic violence, family support, housing, and job assistance.


Law Help

Legal, energy, and utility help links


Unemployment Assistance

Information on unemployment and job search assistance.


Small business help

Small business relief funds


Oregon Department of Forestry : Information & statistics : Fire 

             Current fire information, help after a wildfire


NWCC :: Home

               Oregon and Washington- Current Northwest Fire Situation - Daily Updates

OREGON Unemployment Help: Facebook


Oregon Unemployment Information and Help: Facebook


NWCC :: Home

               Oregon and Washington- Current Northwest Fire Situation - Daily Updates


Information on Wildfires 

             Follow the #WaWILDFIRE hashtag on Twitter. Those who don't use Twitter can text 40404 to get

DNR tweets delivered to your phone as text message.

You can also check information on Inciweb (the Incident Information System) and through the

Northwest Interagency Coordination Center (see morning briefings).


Wildfire Assistance Resources

The Governors shelter and temporary housing resources and more.

For shelter you can also call: 

Okanogan, Douglas, Chelan, Spokane, Grant, Whitman Counties: 509-670-5331  

Yakima, Benton and Franklin Counties: 509-820-4170    



Find a shelter and download the emergency app



Housing and food assistance and more in your community.

Coronavirus Resources

Food and housing, mental health, legal, and childcare assistance and immigrant resource links.


Emergency Assistance

Emergency Assistance links like to housing and community service assistance.


Food Assistance

Links to various food assistance programs.  You can also call the Help Me Grow Washington Hotline at

1-888-436-6392 or find a food bank here.


Career Tools

           While this website is geared for Washington residents, all their workshops are virtual including things like

tips for resume and cover letters, and it has a bunch of other resources.


Washington State Unemployment Support Facebook Group

Washington State Unemployment Support Group

Unemployment Help

Help with navigating the unemployment system


Washington State Unemployment Support Facebook Group

Washington State Unemployment Support Group


If your state isn’t listed, we would be happy to add it.

Until then you can find some state specific resources by choosing your state here:


Council of State Governments COVID-19 Resources

Links to every state's specific site of resources and information, as well as a tab of general resources.

​ Child/Family Resources

Information provided by each state and territory to help families and child care providers stay

informed during this fast-moving and developing situation.


States affected by Hurricane Delta
State FB Groups
Facebook Groups for Unemployment
Support By State
Alabama Unemployment Information and Help
Alaska Unemployment Information and Help Public Group
Arizona Unemployment Information and Help Public Group
Arizona - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
Arizona Unemployment UI/PUA/PEUC/ FPUA/ Stimulus Checks
Arkansas Coronavirus Info and Updates
Arkansas Unemployment Information and Help
Colorado Unemployment Updates
Connecticut Unemployment Information and Help Public Group
Connecticut Unemployment Benefits Info (Closed On Saturdays)
Delaware Unemployment Information and Help
Delaware Unemployment PUA Public Group
Florida Unemployment Issues
Florida Action group for COVID-19 unemployment (Florida)
 Georgia unemployment issues COVID-19
Georgia Unemployment Information and Help
Hawaii Unemployment Updates & Support Group
Hawaii PUA Updates & Support
Idaho Covid 19 Mutual Aid Group Public Group
Idaho Unemployment Group
illinois & Indiana Unemployment Guidance
Indiana Unemployment Peer to Peer Information
Iowa Unemployment Information and Help Public Group
Kansas Unemployment Info and Help
Kentucky Unemployment Info and Help
Maine Unemployment Insurance Assistance
Maryland Unemployment Q and A 2020
Massachusetts PUA Pandemic Unemployment Help
Massachusetts Unemployment Consultation
Michigan Unemployment public help page during COVID-19
Michigan Unemployment Frustrations and Info
Michigan Unemployment & PUA Help & Resources
Minnesota Unemployment Information and Help Public Group
Minnesota Unemployment Freelancers and Self Employed
Mississippi Unemployment COVID-19 
Nevada Unemployment Information and Help
Las Vegas Bartenders & Servers Unemployment and other assistance
New Hampshire Unemployment during COVID-19
New Jersey Unemployment Pandemic Group Public Group
New Jersey Unemployment Group
North Carolina Unemployment
North Carolina Unemployment Information and Help
North Carolina unemployment, stimulus, and NC Covid-19 updates Public Group
OREGON Unemployment Help
Oregon Unemployment Information and Help
Pennsylvania Unemployment Questions
PUA (Pennsylvania)
Rhode Island Unemployment/Coronavirus Info/Complaints and Tips
Unemployed Solidarity - Rhode Island
Tennessee Unemployment Information and Help Public Group
Tennessee Unemployment Q&A Public Group
Texas Unemployment Updates
Texas Unemployment Information and Help Public Group
Virginia Unemployment
Virginia Unemployment Information and Help
Washington State Unemployment Support Group

Disclaimer: We are not legal counsel.

We do not claim ownership of, endorsement of, or direct affiliation with, any of these resources.

This list is compiled from personal research and contributors, with our best intentions.


Contribute: Send any additional resources (formatted title, link, brief description) to

©2020 |

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram is not a source of legal advice or counsel. All information contained on is for educational purposes. ExtendPUA is a volunteer run organization. Where specific facts are referenced, every effort has been made to verify the accuracy and truthfulness of the information presented. Occasionally our information will become out of date because of the rapidly evolving nature of the movement. If you spot something out of place, please contact us at

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