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Call Your LEgislators.

Ring, Ring. Pandemic Phone.

1. Find your Senator or Congressperson's Number.

Use our Database to do it

Want to call their local office?  Those phone numbers are here.

2. Write your script

Calling is easy and low pressure.

1. Keep your script short and clear.

2. Include your name and location so the staffer knows you are a constituent.

3. Make sure you state exactly what outcome you want the legislator to deliver clearly.

4. Make it personal. Tug at those heartstrings! Make that staffer pound on the legislator's door!

5. Thank them for their time and for getting the message to the legislator.



A staff member will answer your phone call or you will be sent to leave a voicemail.

Keep your call short and concise and BE KIND to these staffers. Kindness goes a long way in getting them to listen and actually send along the message. 

Or Tailor one of our scripts

an exaMPLE TO makE your own

Updated 7.21.21

A staff member will answer your phone call or you will be sent to leave a voicemail.

Keep your call short and concise so more people can get through and BE KIND to these staffers, even if they work for a Senator that it not being kind to us. Kindness goes a long way in getting them to listen and actually send along the message.  Make sure you read this script and fill in the blue bits before calling!

"Hello. My name is (your name) and I am a constituent from (your zip code/city) calling with Thank you so much for taking my call.


(We strongly encourage you to insert a sentence or two about your personal story here. Make sure to include I want to go back to work, but...)


Critical pandemic UI programs ended too early for millions of Americans who are still out work. 4.1 million Americans were stripped of their lifelines early by their states. Then federally, all programs ended September 6th, dropping over 10 million more people off a cliff with no safety net to catch them as the Delta variant surges. This is cruelty, plain and simple. The unemployment rate for those looking for full time jobs that pay a living wage is still over 22%. I need the Senator (or Congressperson) to fight to reinstate programs until all people are able to recover from this pandemic. That means you must:


  • urgently extend PUA, PEUC, and FPUC with additional weeks and automatic stabilizers until the crisis is over for ALL STATES;

  • cancel tax on UI and PUA payments;

  • extend pandemic healthcare programs; and

  • enact a plan for long term UI reform to fix the broken system that got us here

Continued relief is needed. This crisis is not over for millions of us. If you abandon us, the country's recovery will stall. (Democratic Legislators Only: It's imperative Democrats uphold the workers-first mandate given to them by voters.) ​


Thank you for listening. I really appreciate you getting this message to the Senator (or Congressperson)."

Want more?


We also have talking points and separate specific scripts targeted specifically to Democrats and Republicans separately!


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