Action items
Click on any step for tools to make change
Your voice is essential.
Click for federal legislator phone numbers and example scripts.
Customize our email directly to your US Senators and Representative.
Or check out our tips for creating an email campaign of your own.
The President always has influence over legislative and executive decisions.
Contact him here.
Tweet, message and slide into their DMs.
Click for handles, graphics and text examples you can use.
Share your story with an allied organization or advocacy group,
your legislator, or by writing a Letter to the Editor
Learn how to pitch press, read interview tips,
or use our template and tips to write a Letter to the Editor here.
Click and send email to state governors and lawmakers here.
Delete our text and fill in your own!
This isn't the most effective way to be heard, but can be a good step.
Advocate for retroactive and continued comprehensive Worker First relief. Add your name here.
Add your voice to the Rescue Agreement.
We're all in this together.
Volunteer with an organization aligned with your cause.
Follow and amplify resources aligned with your cause on social media.
While we fight for comprehensive pandemic relief for all people, we acknowledge true relief will only come when all people are safe and secure, both from this pandemic, and with the eradication of systemic racism and the horrendous brutality it is perpetuating.